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Textures on Poser Figures


There's more than one way to Skin this Cat.

I get tons of email asking about importing poser figures into bryce and how to get the textures to apply properly. Most people are trying to get the textures they apply in poser to show up in bryce. As near as I or anyone else I've talked to, it can't be done. Not directly anyhow. There is a common way of doing such though and this tutorial is aimed at explaining how.

We're going to use the default female pose on this model and the default female nude texture. Don't mean to be sexist ladies, it just shows up better on the screen.


postex1.jpg (23076 bytes)

Start by creating your figure in poser...........

postex2.jpg (41631 bytes) 

After  posing your figure (we're leaving it at default here) choose.....file.......export........wavefront OBJ.

postex3.jpg (13307 bytes) 

When asked, check "Export object groups for each body part"......not really important here, but a good habit to get into when your including hair and such.

postex4.jpg (23677 bytes)

Start bryce (to your existing scene if applicable) and import your figure (shown here in default grey)

postex5.jpg (25129 bytes)

Select "M" next to your figure to start the material editor. Click on "diffuse" channel A (#1) then on Picture texture (#2) and then on LEO (#3)

postex6.jpg (27325 bytes)

When the picture editor appears, choose "Load" (#1) and go to your poser texture directory (the default is in the poser directory, texture sub-directory) and find female nude texture.tiff. Choose this file and when back in the picture editor, select (#2) copy, then (#3) paste, answer "delete" to the box that appears and select (#4) to exit back to the material editor. Once there, choose the check mark to return to the bryce main screen.

postex7.jpg (24452 bytes)

There it is, the texture applied with correct mapping.

postex8.jpg (17791 bytes)

Here's a close up of the face showing the mapping. In part two of this tutorial we'll look at modifying the default tiff files to make some of your own.

Hope this answers your 'skinning' questions! Next time we'll do some fun stuff.


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